The “Power-Efficient GPU and heterogeneous Multi-/Many-core Computing” (PEGPUM) workshop has been accepted for inclusion in the HiPEAC event in 2017. The workshop will be held on January 24, 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden, co-located with the HiPEAC conference ( This will be the 5th PEGPUM workshop, after PEGPUM 2013, PEGPUM 2014, PEGPUM 2015, and PEGPUM 2016. Previous editions of PEGPUM were organized by the LPGPU and LPGPU2 consortia. Next year’s editions will be co-organized with four other European projects targeted at improving the power efficiency of GPUs and heterogeneous multi-/many-core systems: Tulipp, SAFEPOWER, Hercules, and Eyes of Things. Stay tuned for more information!
Posted by Jan Lucas
on July 15, 2016
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