Spin Digital will be part of the PEGPUM workshop organized by the LPGPU2 consortium that will take place in Manchester from January 22ns to 24th 2018. Read more »
Spin Digital will be part of the PEGPUM workshop organized by the LPGPU2 consortium that will take place in Manchester from January 22ns to 24th 2018. Read more »
The paper “E²MC: Entropy Encoding based Memory Compression for GPUs” by Sohan Lal, Jan Lucas and Ben Juurlink has been accepted for publication at 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) to be held in Orlando, Florida USA from May 29 – June 2, 2017. This paper proposes an entropy encoding based memory compression technique for GPUs. The proposed compression technique addressed the key challenges of probability estimation, choosing an appropriate symbol length for encoding, and decompression with low latency. It achieves higher compression ratio and performance gain compared to state of the art.
Figure: Speedup with increased memory bandwidth
Prof. Ben Juurlink, Professor for Embedded Systems Architectures, TU Berlin gave an update on the progress of LPGPU2 at the 2016 PEGPUM workshop / HiPEAC 2017. For more details please see: lpgpu2-pegpum-public
At the Game AI Conference 2014 held in Vienna/Austria , Codeplay Ltd. and AiGameDev.com KG teamed up again to deliver multiple talks about applying OpenCL and SYCL to creating massively parallel AI. The presentations by Bjoern Knafla (Codeplay), Gordon Brown (Codeplay) and Alex Champandard (AiGameDev) were featured on the first day the conference as part of the Technology Workshop on July 7th, to a sold-out audience of some of the best developers from Europe and beyond.
The LPGPU project organised the second LPGPU Workshop on Power-Efficient GPU and Manycore Computing (PEGPUM 2014) in conjunction with the HiPEAC 2014 Conference in Vienna on January the 20th, 2014. The main objective of the event was to foster dialogue and interaction among researchers from academia and industry working in aspects of low-power, heterogeneous many-core systems; including hardware architecture, programming models and software design.
Based on the succesful experience of last year’s PEGPUM 2013 in Berlin, the 2014 workshop was extended from a half-day to a full-day event, consisting on 12 presentations: 6 of them from partners of the LPGPU project; and the other 6 from external academic and industrial researchers.
More than 70 people attended the workshop, and many fruitful online and offline discussions developed. Incidentally, the concept of colocating an EU project workshop with HiPEAC was pioneered by the earlier Peppher project.
This edition of the workshop helped to promote exciting developments in the LPGPU project among the industrial and academic delegates present; either at the workshop, at HiPEAC, or both. Highly engaged participants demonstrated an increasing level of interest in the research topics covered by the project.
The website for the LPGPU PEGPUM 2014 Workshop here has now been updated with links to the slides which accompanied each talk.
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