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PEGPUM: Power-Efficient GPU and heterogeneous Multi-/Many-core Computing (PEGPUM 2017) In conjunction with the HiPEAC 2017 Conference
Tuesday, January 24, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Organizers: Ben Juurlink (TU Berlin), Diana Göhringer (Ruhr University Bochum), Marko Bertogna (University of Modena), Mikel Azkarate-askasua (IK4-IKERLAN), Oscar Deniz Suarez (University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)), Philippe Millet (Thales Research and Technology)
Power efficiency is increasingly important for modern embedded and real-time systems. Heterogeneous systems featuring Multicores, GPUs and FPGAs provide the opportunity to achieve low power consumption. There are several projects within Horizon 2020 that deal with these challenges. The following five projects will be introduced in invited talks in this workshop.
SAFEPOWER aims to enable the development of cross-domain mixed-criticality systems with low power and safety requirements by a reference architecture orchestrating different local power-management techniques based on safe and securitized built-in low-power services.
Eyes of Things builds an optimized core computer vision platform that can work independently and also embedded in more complex products. The project specifically focuses on the design of a small size, low-cost, high-performance, low-power connected vision platform.
LPGPU2 assists the application developer in creating software for low-power GPUs. The project addresses all aspects of performance and power analysis, from hardware power and performance counters, a framework that processes and visualizes performance and power data, to applications.
HERCULES provides the required infrastructure to improve the cost and power consumption of next generation real-time applications. It will develop an integrated framework to achieve predictable performance on top of heterogeneous multi-core platforms, implementing real-time scheduling techniques and execution models.
TULIPP will develop a reference platform, which consists of a hardware system, a tool chain and a real-time operating system. This platform defines implementation rules and interfaces to tackle power consumption issues while delivering high, energy efficient and guaranteed computing performance for image processing applications.
The scientific approach of these projects focuses on modern embedded systems that combine heterogeneity, power efficiency and real-time features. This workshop is a first step towards a closer cooperation between these Horizon 2020 projects.